Ninox database import date field
Ninox database import date field

Remember any remaining stars that you do have will roll over to next year. You can redeem them here by filling out the form. For those who have not redeemed their Gold Stars, please be sure to do so. It’s almost the end of February which means the Gold Star Redemption Month will be ending soon. Use the insert formula tool to make your first screen object. Place a tab element on the form and give it a color that would make a light background on your form and that will look nice with the colors in your logo. Now create a new table named “Splash screen”, “Gateway”, “Main Menu”, or something similar.

ninox database import date field

If you have any navigation icons, create an image type of field for each and store the images there, naming them appropriately. Next, create another image field and name it “Blank”. In my sample database this hidden table is named Utilities.

ninox database import date field

In a table where you store images and information that will be used throughout your database, insert an image of your logo using an image field and name it “Logo”.

ninox database import date field

Simplify by creating a splash screen that offers a few clearly defined choices. Users, especially new users, can become confused about where to go and what they will find when they select one of the many tables they see on the menu. It can even serve as the navigational home base for your project. Not only can it make a striking visual statement about the database’s subject, but also it can serve as a “Main Menu” to direct users where to go within the database. If you’ve spent considerable time creating an attractive and powerful database for your business or organization, think about adding a splash screen to welcome your users.

Ninox database import date field